Music Database------RockRom-----Rock Record---Terry Hounsome Record Researcher.
Rock Record


Please note we do not stock records by these musicians

This is a list of some of the musicians that are listed in the RockRom database

You may buy the completeRockRom database on a CD ROM It includes all the data, a program and many other features for record collectors

Ruffin, David Ruffin, Jimmy Ruffin, Judge
Ruffin, Levi Ruffin, Mister Ruffin, Riff
Ruffins, Kermit Ruffner, Mason Ruffo, Mascagni
Ruffy, Dave Ruffy, David Rufo, Der
Rufus & Carla Rufus, Clinton Rugani, Miriam
Rugg, Harold Hal Ruggeri, Enrico Ruggeri, Maria
Ruggiero, Renzo Ruggles, Brian Ruggles, Sophie
Rugolo, Pete Rugs Rugsted, Jens
Ruhl, Gary Ruhland, Paul Ruhle, Danny
Ruhmann, Heinz Ruhn, Tommy Ruhnke, Craig
Ruhtenberg, Vess Ruibal, Javier 10 Ruick, Barbara
Ruirivar Jr, Tony Ruirivar, Danny Ruis, Willem
Ruiter, Ria Ruix, Carlos Ruiz Geniz, Angel
Ruiz Velasco, Chris Ruiz, Carline Ruiz, Dominique
Ruiz, George Ruiz, Hilton Ruiz, Michael
Ruiz, Tony Ruiz- Leite, Juan J Rukavina, Alex
Rule, David Rule, Grant Rule, Keith
Rule, Liz Rule, Sue Rullo, Frank
Rulos, Helmut Rulz, Otmaro Rumbel, Nancy
Rumbles, Ltd Rumbold, Edwick Rummans, Michael
Rumour, Danny Rump, Rambling Syd Rumpf, Inga
Rumsey, Dave Rumsey, Howard Run D M C
Runciman, Chris Runciter, Glenn Rundberget, B
Rundblad, Anders Runde, Alexander Rundgren, Todd
Rundgrenn, Todd Rundless, Ernestine Rundquist, Christy