Music Database------RockRom-----Rock Record---Terry Hounsome Record Researcher.
Rock Record


Please note we do not stock records by these musicians

This is a list of some of the musicians that are listed in the RockRom database

You may buy the completeRockRom database on a CD ROM It includes all the data, a program and many other features for record collectors

Ruocco, John Rupaul Rupe, Art
Rupe, Lee Rupel, Ann Rupenus, Richard
Rupert, Eric Ruperts, Hogsnort Nd Rupp, Glen Richard
Ruppert, Ralph P Ruppert, Ulrich Rupprecht, Ed
Rura, Michael Rurup, Manfred Rusby, Kate
Ruse, Jim Rusek, Andrzej Rusell, Ray
Rush, Barbara Rush, Bobby Rush, Damon
Rush, Heather Rush, Helen Rush, Jennifer
Rush, Little Willie Rush, Merrilee Rush, Nicholas
Rush, Nikki Rush, Otis Rush, Pat
Rush, Tom Rushden, Patrice Rushen, Patrice
Rusher, Richard Rushes, Ami Rushing, Jerry
Rushing, Jimmy Rushlow, Tim Rushmer, David
Rushton, Mike Rushton, Steve Rushton, Willy
Rusk, Leon Ruskin, Barbara Ruskin, Dob
Rusmini, Dick Ruso, Lori Russ
Russ, Alexander Russ, Bill Russ, Eddie
Russ, Irvin Russ, James Thomas Russ, Li`l
Russ, Rosa Russ, Sunny Russal, Thane
Russei, Chris Russekk, Mischa Russel
Russel, Calvin Russel, Carla Russel, Frank
Russel, Jean Russel, Jerome Russel, Leon
Russel, Ray Russel, Tony Russell
Russell, Alistair Russell, An Russell, Andy
Russell, Barbara Russell, Bebe Russell, Ben