Music Database------RockRom-----Rock Record---Terry Hounsome Record Researcher.
Rock Record


Please note we do not stock records by these musicians

This is a list of some of the musicians that are listed in the RockRom database

You may buy the completeRockRom database on a CD ROM It includes all the data, a program and many other features for record collectors

Russo, Tony Russo, Zok Russomano, Phyllis
Russotto, Irv Rust, Garry Rust, Jim
Rust, Robert Rustia, Corrado Rustic, Corrado
Rustichelli, Carlo Rustichelli, Paolo Rustici, Corrado
Rustici, Danilo Rustico, Corrado Rustucci, Corrado
Ruth Ruth Ann Ruth, Babe
Ruth, Jack Ruth, Jack Ers Ruth, Peter
Ruth, Rich Ruth, Thermon Ruth, Thurmon
Ruther, Edward Brumund Ruther, Wyatt Rutherford, Arthur
Rutherford, Don Rutherford, John L Rutherford, John Mark
Rutherford, Mark Rutherford, Mike Rutherford, Nellie
Rutherford, Rudy Ruthford, Eileen Ruthless, Scott
Rutigliano, Michel Rutili, Tim Rutka, Stanley
Rutkowski, Deirdre Rutkowski, Louise Rutland, Adam
Rutledge, Jim Rutledge, John Rutledge, Tom
Rutsey, John Rutten, Edwin Rutten, John
Rutter, David Rutter, John Rutterford, Rob
Rutz, Mike Ruud, Freedy Ruvio, Joe
Ruy Blas, Pedro Ruymen, Wendy Ruynat, Eulalie
Ruzek, Don Ruzga, Rik Ruzga, Rob
Ruzicka, Lynne Ruzz, Kim Ry Co, Le
Ryals, Francis Ryals, Herb Ryan Carter, Tosh
Ryan, Barry Ryan, Bill Ryan, Buck
Ryan, Cathie Ryan, Cathy Ryan, Charlie
Ryan, Clint Ryan, Craig Ryan, David