Music Database------RockRom-----Rock Record---Terry Hounsome Record Researcher.
Rock Record


Please note we do not stock records by these musicians

This is a list of some of the musicians that are listed in the RockRom database

You may buy the completeRockRom database on a CD ROM It includes all the data, a program and many other features for record collectors

Shiels, Matthew Shiers, Allan Shifflett, John
Shifrin, Su Shifrin, Sue Shifrin, Susan
Shigihara, Paul Shihab, Sahib Shika, Udai
Shikisha Shikvra, Takeshi Shilkin, Neil
Shilling, George Shillo, Carl Shiloh
Shima, Hideki Shima, Tekemi Shimamura, Yoshie
Shimizu, Koh Shimizu, Masaki Shimizu, Tatsuo
Shimizu, Yasuaki Shimizu, Yoshihisa Shimizu, Yoshio
Shimmel, William Shimoda, Akimori Shimoda, Nobuhisa
Shimokawa, Shinichi Shimomachi, Kaori Shimomura, Seijiroh
Shin, Haeryung Shinas, Sofia Shinault, Anthony
Shine, Fabienne Shine, John Shine, Mickey
Shine, Ralph Shine, William Shiner, George
Shines, Johnny Shingle, Steve Shingles, Steve
Shining Shinn, Alan Shinn, Don
Shinnaikouta, Erigiku Shinohara, Nobuyuki Shiomura, Osamu
Shioya, Masanori Shioya, Mesanori Ship, Michael
Shipley, Ethan Shipley, Ian Shipley, Jackie
Shipley, Mike Shipley, Robert Shipley, Samantha
Shipman, Steve Shipon, Garris Shipp, Dave Combo)
Shipp, Joel Shipp, Randy Shipston, Roy
Shirakawa, Yoshinobu Shirane, Kenichi Shird, Lucille
Shirelles Shireman, Jenny Shires, Jill
Shirinian, Harry Shirley, Annie Shirley, Bullmoose K
Shirley, Don Shirley, Greg Shirley, Jerry