Music Database------RockRom-----Rock Record---Terry Hounsome Record Researcher.
Rock Record


Please note we do not stock records by these musicians

This is a list of some of the musicians that are listed in the RockRom database

You may buy the completeRockRom database on a CD ROM It includes all the data, a program and many other features for record collectors

Sohl, Volker Sohner, Lavra Sohns, Jim
Soileau, Lennis Soir, Mandoline Club De Mai Soja, Papa
Sojka, Andrzej Z Sok, G W Sokal, Harry
Sokolow, Fred Sol Symphonic Sol, Pepe Del Orch.
Solaar, Mc Solal, Jean Cohen Solal, Martial
Solar, Jim Solar, Willie Solas, Terje
Solberg, Chris Solberg, Helge Solberg, Jim
Solberg, Rick Sold, Frederic Soldan, Michael
Soldat, Louis Soldier, A.t. Soldier, David
Solee, Dennis Solek, Walter Solell, Sonny
Solem, Monica Solem, Phil Solem, Phillip
Soler, J L Soler, Jordi Soler, Manuel
Soler, Montserrat Soler, Pedro Soler, Toti
Solera, Guiseppe Solera, Pepe Soles, Steven
Soley, Jordi Solheim, Tore Solia, Janice
Solitude, Aeturnus Sollel, Sonny Sollenberger, Isobel
Sollesnes, Jan Solley, Jimmy Solley, Pete
Sollow, Jake Solloway, Stephen Solly
Solman, Colin Solman, Neil Solmonson, Steve
Solo, Christian Solo, Han Solo, Johnny
Solo, Peter Solo, Sal Solo, Sam E
Solo, Tommy Solo, Yami Soloff, Lew
Soloff, Lou Soloman, Barry Soloman, Jack
Soloman, Roger Solommon, William Solomon, Alan
Solomon, Cliff King Solomon, Clifford Solomon, Dave