Music Database------RockRom-----Rock Record---Terry Hounsome Record Researcher.
Rock Record


Please note we do not stock records by these musicians

This is a list of some of the musicians that are listed in the RockRom database

You may buy the completeRockRom database on a CD ROM It includes all the data, a program and many other features for record collectors

Spensley, Rob Spenz, Liza Spera, Fabrizio
Sperber, Ed Orch. Sperber, Klaus Sperel, Chris
Sperling School Choir Sperling, Dee Dee Sperling, Jack
Sperling, Robert Sperlings, Ozz Spero, Patrica
Sperring, Phil Sperry, Danny Sperry, Matthew
Sperti, Aldo Sperti, Berry Spevock, Ed
Speyer, Loz Spheeris, Jimmy Spice, Irv
Spicer, George Spicer, Jimmy Spicer, Terry
Spicher, Buddy Spicher, Ian Spicher, Norman
Spicolla, Sal Spider, Sonny Spiegel, Cliff
Spiegel, Ray Spiegeldfeld, Reinhold Spiegelfeld, Reinhold
Spiekerman, Erik Spieler, Bernard Spier, Bernd
Spierenburg, Rob Spiers, Fraser Spiers, Frazer
Spijkerman, Geertje Spike Spike, Spike
Spilby, Michael Spilker, Frank Spillane, Dany
Spillane, David Spillane, Davy Spiller, Norman
Spillner, Wolfgang Spilsbury, Brett Spin, Charlie
Spina, Mauro Spina, Rich Spina, Vic
Spindt, Donn Spinella, Bob Spinelli, Debbie ' Fluffy'
Spinello Spinello, Rudy Spineti, Joey
Spinetto, John Spineux, G Spink, Arthur
Spinks, John Spinner, Alice Spinner, David
Spinners Spinners {detroit) Spinnet, Tamara
Spinosa, Laura Spinosa, Marie Spinosi, Jeanchristoph
Spinrad, Norman Spira, Danny Spires, Arthur ' Big Boy'